Volunteer Policy

The Williamsburg Libraries need, value, and appreciate your volunteer services. You will be trained for your volunteer position by library staff. While working at the library we will rely on your services and look forward to your coming to work.

The Volunteer Agrees to:

  • Work a minimum of three hours a month
  • Be prompt and reliable
  • Try to give the library at least a 24 hour notice if you are unable to work 
  • Be courteous and respectful to patrons and to staff
  • Follow all library procedures and policies
  • Only work during hours when adequate supervision is available
  • If patrons have reference questions you cannot answer or questions about library policy, then please refer them to library staff
  • Follow instructions, work independently, and focus on fairly detailed tasks
  • Always respect patrons’ privacy. Librarians’ professional ethics require that personally identifiable information about library users, including their reading material, be kept confidential
  • Keep accurate account of hours worked
  • Report any safety hazards or injuries immediately to a supervisor or to the librarian in charge.
  • Be open to suggestions & comments for improvement.

The Williamsburg Libraries Agree To:

  • Train each volunteer for his/her tasks
  • Provide assistance for volunteers as needed
  • Provide at least one other staff member or volunteer to work at the same time as the volunteer
  • Keep accurate records of each volunteer’s hours
  • Provide a reference upon request
  • Be open to suggestions and comments for the improvement of the volunteer program The library may check references and has absolute authority to decline a volunteer application.

Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) checks will be made for each volunteer (and staff.)

In the event that a volunteer is unable to adequately perform the duties assigned to him or her, and no other appropriate positions are available, the volunteer may be removed from service.

Click here for a printable version of the Volunteer Agreement.


Approved by the Board 4/21/2015