About Haydenville & Williamsburg

Copyright is held by the creator unless otherwise noted. Please credit full citation.

Books, Reports, Studies:


Copyright is held by the creator unless otherwise noted. Please credit full citation.



Copyright is held by the creator unless otherwise noted. Please credit full citation.



Copyright is held by the creator unless otherwise noted. Please credit full citation.


Copyright is held by the creator unless otherwise noted. Please credit full citation.

  • 1832 Temperance Pledge, Signers of - Signers of the 1832 Temperance Pledge - by Eric W. Weber
  • Adams, William Henry (1823-1874) - William Henry Adams - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 12, 2019.
  • Alexander, Hazel Louise (1886-?) - Hazel Louise Alexander - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 29, 2019.  
  • Bailey, Adelbert (1843-1932) - Adelbert Bailey - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 24, 2019.
  • Beals, Jessie Tarbox (1870 – 1942) - Jessie Tarbox Beals - by Ralmon Jon Black (from the Pioneer Valley History Network's Women in the Valley series)
  • Bodman, Sylvester (1781-?) and Theophilus (1793-?) - Sylvester and Theophilus Bodman - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on August 18, 2019.
  • Carter, Thomas Marshall (1832-1899) and daughter Carter, Mary Lemira (1859-1924) - Thomas Marshall Carter - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on January 20, 2020.
  • Chandler, Edgar M. (1831-?) - Edgar M. Chandler - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on August 20, 2019. See also Spencer Bartlett.
  • Cheney, George (1844-1918) and Cheney, Elizabeth Jane Alvord (1847-1922)
    • George Cheney -  biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on October 13, 2019.
    • Cheney Home (post 1874 Flood) - Facebook posting of 1874 stereograph from the collection of Peter Banister
  • Dansereau, Frederick J. (1882-?) -  Frederick J. Dansereau - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 21, 2019. 
  • Dunphy, Anne T. (1890-1956) - Anne T. Dunphy - by Ralmon Jon Black
  • Dwight, Josiah (1747-1796) - Josiah Dwight -  biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on November 6, 2019.
  • Everett, Edwin Henry (1928-?) - Edwin Henry Everett -  biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 13, 2019.
  • Graves, Eunice Belden (1815-1860) - Eunice Belden Graves - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on August 19, 2019.
  • Hayden, Joel III (1869–1912) - Joel Hayden III - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 30, 2019.
  • Hayden, Josiah III (1802-1877) - Josiah Hayden III - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on August 15, 2019.
  • Hillman, Dr. Roswell Smith  (1815-1896) - Dr. Roswell Smith Hillman -  biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on August 9, 2019.
  • James, Helen Eliza (Field) (1837-1930)
  • Meekins, Stephen (1812-1894) - Meekins Family  (Stephen 8, Library Benefactor) - exerpted from Williamsburg, Massachusetts Families: Genealogical Outlines - by Eric W. Weber
  • Meekins, Thomas W. (1855-1935) - Thomas W. Meekins -  biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 13, 2019.
  • Nash, John (1736-1771) - John Nash - and Nash, Martha Graves (1736-1794) - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on November 2, 2019.
  • Otis, John Lord (1827-1894) - Letters From a Civil War Soldier 1861-1864 / John Lord Otis, edited and published by his great granddaughter, Charlotte Preston Otis (be patient when opening this file...it is quite large and may take ten minutes to open!) (Additional discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 14, 2019).
  • Paine, Dr. Elijah (1724-1814) - Dr. Elijah Paine - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on September 13, 2019.
  • Selected Individuals and Their Families - from Virtual Tour of Old Village Hill Cemetery (2013) - by Eric W. Weber
  • Spelman, Onslow Gross (1821-1905) - Onslow Gross Spelman - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on September 11, 2019.
    • Here's another short bio that includes some details I [Eric Weber] didn't know until just now, but which neatly skips over Spelman's role in the flood and its aftermath.
  • Thayer, Capt. Abel (1740-1814) - Thayer, Capt. Abel - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on July 31, 2019.
  • Veterans
  • Walpole, Frank (1846-1917) - Walpole, Frank - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on September 2, 2019.
  • Wheeler, Charles Holmes, M.D. (1879–1955) - and wife, Wheeler, Susan Hadley, Children - Eleanor B and Charles Hadley - Wheeler, Charles Holmes, M.D. - biography by Eric W. Weber. Original discussion on Williamsburg Historical Society Facebook page on December 20, 2019.
