Emergency Closing Policy
The Meekins Library will be open for the stated hours when it is safe and reasonable. The library may close due to inclement weather, an impending storm, or an emergency. The Library Director or designee may use their own discretion to close or delay opening the library when conditions exist that may endanger the public or employees. The Library will not automatically close or delay opening based on any other institution’s actions. The Library Director or designee will consider closing based on:
- General conditions of roads in Williamsburg and surrounding areas.
- School is closed due to inclement weather.
- Condition of the Library’s parking lot and walkways.
- Availability of staff to open and operate the library service desks.
- Condition of building equipment and computer network infrastructure.
- Request for closure by local or state agencies.
- If Williamsburg schools are closed because of inclement weather children’s programming at the library will be cancelled for the day.
- Closure notices will be posted on local media stations and the library website and Facebook page if possible.
Approved by Board 10/19/2015